


with Leadpipe

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Connectors: Easy Email List Building

  • Purpose: Perfect for effortlessly expanding your email list.
  • Function: Automatically adds new contacts—names, emails, and physical addresses—to your selected mail list.
  • Duplicate Check: Ensures no duplicate contacts are added.
  • Location: Find connectors in the dashboard under 'Configuration -> Connectors'.

Need More Data? Use Webhooks

  • Advanced Integration: For deeper insights, Leadpipe offers Webhooks.
  • Capability: Webhooks can push up to 40 attributes, including page views, referral sources, gender, sex, and income range.
  • Flexibility: They connect to platforms like Zapier and Make, facilitating further integration with services like Hubspot.
  • Access: Locate your Webhook integration under 'Configuration -> Users -> Edit User -> Other Integration'.

Connectors offer a straightforward way to grow your email list with essential contact details, while Webhooks provide a route to more comprehensive data integration, supporting a wider array of information for detailed analytics and broader application connectivity.

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As soon as you install LeadPipe, leads will start flowing in within minutes.

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