Find who searched for what —at the person level and fully compliant.

We deanonymize web searches at the person level, enabling you to target any keyword—Product, Solution, Function, Event, Service, or Brand—or select from 26,000 pre-made options, transforming your go-to-market strategy and list building.

We deanonymize web searches at the person level, enabling you to target any keyword—Product, Solution, Function, Event, Service, or Brand—or select from 26,000 pre-made options, transforming your go-to-market strategy and list building.

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Like Google's Big Data. But Yours.

Person-Level: Unlike 6sense and Bombora, which operate at the account level, Leadpipe provides insights down to the individual, ensuring your outreach is hyper-targeted.

Real-Time Intent: Gain access to the most up-to-date intent signals, allowing your sales team to prioritise leads that are actively researching solutions.

Reach decision-makers directly
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Identify ICP buyers showing intent off-domain

Leadpipe measures prospects’ digital journeys across 80,000+ publishers, newspapers, and websites, so you know exactly what they are in the market for.

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real 'Intent'

We process hundreds of millions of rows of data daily to categorize topics, identify intent behind actions such as research, comparison, or browsing, and update data every 24 hours

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Approximately 8,157 rows of data are aggregated per second.

"Sellers are failing to engage buyers at the earliest stages of their journey, leading to wasted time and resources on SEO, third-party databases, and ads. Leadpipe solves this by delivering targeted, individual-level insights. Instead of chasing companies, you focus on the right people, transforming your go-to-market strategy and cutting out the noise."

George G - Founder & CEO @leadpipe

How Intent works

Define Your Intent Audience:

Start by building a detailed persona within the Leadpipe platform. Filter your audience by demographics, firmographics, job titles, and other key attributes. Whether B2B or B2C, Leadpipe lets you create hyper-targeted ICP audiences tailored to your specific needs.

Monitor Intent Signals:

Select the specific keywords and topics that are relevant to your industry or product. Leadpipe continuously tracks and analyzes online search behavior, identifying individuals who are researching these topics with varying levels of intensity.

Activate Your Campaigns:

Once your audience is defined, push it directly to your advertising platforms to create highly targeted ad audiences, or export it to CSVs for building precision outbound lists.

Engage and Convert:

Use your highly targeted ads or outbound campaigns to engage with the individuals on your lists. Leadpipe tracks engagement and resolves these interactions back to the individual contacts, providing you with actionable insights and a privacy-compliant, first-party prospecting list.
Invite Only

Find Individuals Ready To Buy Before Your Competitors Do.

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